Happy New You!
Pilates Classes for all in Torquay and Paignton with Ali and Rob Kingdon.
It's getting to the time of year where a lot of us are obliged to make some resolutions, particularly around our fitness and wellbeing.
How do you get on with those?
Lots of us start them positively but soon get frustrated when we fail to achieve our goals or the routine gets too much to continue.
Why is this?
Possibly because those goals are set too high?
Small life changes are much more achievable, but most importantly, sustainable.
A sustainable small life change could be popping along to a local Pilates class once a week.
An hour of gentle exercise, meet new people, have a giggle and enjoy a bit of relaxation at the end.
I don't believe new years resolutions - why wait to the new year? You can make those changes now.
Many of our clients have been with us for years.
They made the change. You could too.
Our Paignton classes are every Thursday at 1830 in the Dance Studio of Paignton Community and Sports Academy, Waterleat Road, Paignton.
Our Torquay classes are every Tuesday at 1830 at Torbay Olympic Gymnastics Club, Barton Hill Way, Torquay.
Our exercise rooms are huge with plenty of space and ventilation.
Please keep an eye on your emails and our Facebook page for details.
Take care and be safe and don't forget your mat!
Rob and Ali
Lets be honest, none of us look like the models pictured here on this website so don't let them put you off. Getting in shape is an amazing and empowering lifestyle decision that anyone can make.
Ali and Rob believe in finding the pleasurable side of Pilates; and while there may be a sore muscle or two along the way, the benefits of Pilates is worth the commitment.
Our classes are based on the eight principles that underpin our approach to the teaching and practice of Pilates:
Flowing Movements
Our hour long classes take place at (with what3word locations):
Torbay Olympic Gymnastics Club, Barton Hill Way on Tuesdays from 1830 to 1930hrs with Ali
Paignton Community and Sports Academy off Waterleat Avenue on Thursdays from 1800 to 1900hrs with Rob
Classes cost £8. No contracts! Bring along a card to use contactless payment and a mat if you have one.
Contact us to find out more. You can use the form below, or send us an email or call/text us using our mobile numbers.

ARK Pilates &Â Fitness
Community Classes for all in Torquay and Paignton

About Ali and Rob
'The body achieves what the mind believes'
Ali and Rob qualified as YMCA level three mat based Pilates Instructors in July 2018 with Elite Pilates Teacher Training
They have been running classes in local Pilates studios and in the community since then.
Rob is a relative newbie to Pilates. His life (when he hasn't been working as a Detective with Devon and Cornwall Police) has been spent rowing and playing basketball competitively since his early teens.
This resulted in him having lots of lower back problems and sciatica.
In 2017 his wife Ali encouraged him to try Pilates and he found it really helped.
It transformed his life as he's now able to sit in a boat and referee basketball pain free. Pilates has helped in other ways too including improving Rob's mental fitness and reducing stress levels.
Rob retired from the Police in 2015 and now works in safeguarding for the Catholic Church and for Basketball England. He's still rowing for Plymouth ARC and is their club secretary and welfare lead. He's also the deputy chair of the West of England Rowing Council and compliance lead for the West of England Amateur Rowing Association. He's training to be a rowing umpire too! When he's not on the water, you'll see him running with a whistle in his mouth refereeing basketball for Exeter and District Basketball Association.
Ali has been practicing and enjoying Pilates PiYo and Yoga for a number of years.
As a nurse, she saw for herself the health benefits Pilates gave her and wanted to learn more.
She enrolled with Elite Pilates Teacher Training with Rob and the rest, as they say, is history.
Ali is also a qualified PiYO instructor and a Pilates Teaching assessor.
She is proud to work for the NHS.
Ali and Rob are mentored by Tanja and Paul Foy and keep up to date with their Pilates and Yoga practice at Paul and Tanja's studio, Elite Pilates and Yoga Services in Newton Abbot.

Mat Pilates
Health is a normal condition, it's our duty to attain it and maintain it

Group Classes
Designed to give you suppleness, natural grace and skill that will unmistakably reflect in the way you walk, in the way you play and in the way you work

'In ten sessions you'll feel the difference, in twenty you'll see the difference, in thirty you'll have a whole new body'
Joseph Pilates said in his book 'Return to Life through Pilates'
Get in touch and start your Pilates journey with us today.
07495 065968 or 07484 265096